Wednesday Office League Softball @ Nobel Spring 2025 Softball · Co-Ed COED 3-pitch
7 men 3 women - 3 pitch softball
- Team Fees
- Regular 695.0 per team + 3.5% Processing Fee
Wednesday Night Office League Softball Spring 2025
This League is Designed for Co-Workers Looking to Socialize and Play Softball after Work!!
This league has no designation on industry. Any company or office can sign up to play!
Office League Softball Rules:
Subs are allowed during the regular season.
Playoff games must be players from the roster.
If a player is injured during the course of the regular season they may be replaced at any time up until playoffs. As long as they are an employee of that business/company. Consultants included!
Teams must have 6 men and 2 females to start the game. 7 men and 3 women maximum on the field.
Maximum players on a team= 15 (9 males 6 females)
7 week regular season
1 week playoff
Team Fee = $695
Umpire Fees Included!
League Notes:
Now accepting registrations!