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Q: What is So Cal Adult Softball (SCAS)?

SCAS offers coed 3-pitch, coed bio-tech 3 pitch, Women's 3-pitch and Men's slo-pitch leagues for adults in the San Diego area.

Our leagues offer cash prizes to league champions!

Q: What are the different ways to sign up and how do they work?

 You may signup online @ 
* Trouble registering online please call or text 619 990 0484

Q: What are the rules to So Cal Softball?
A: We follow ASA (American Softball Association) rules. All bats must be ASA regulation. 

  • Free Agent-- Signing up as a free agent means that you have signed up individually and SCAS will TRY to place you on a team.
  • Team registration-- Team registration is designed for an entire team or company team to register.

    DEADLINE INFO: There are some leagues where the deadline to sign up can come as early as a month to two months before the start of the league.

    As a general rule for all leagues, we say that there is no deadline to sign up, but as soon as the league reaches maximum capacity we will close off the registration to new signups.

  • Team-- A team captain or organizer may sign up an entire team. There are 3 options to choose from when signing up your team: 

    1. To sign up online, simply click the "Signup Online" button under the specific league for which you are would like to register.

      Select team registration and click "I Agree" and Continue.

      Fill out the form and click Continue. 

      NOTE: If some of your team roster information is not quite ready, please do not let this deter you from signing up.

      You can sign up and pay, forgo your team roster information, and then you may log back into our system under the member login link with your username and password to make changes to your team roster, team name, and which league you are sigining up for.

Q: How do I pay for the leagues?

Registration for SCAS leagues will be done online @ 

Q: If I sign up as a free agent or small group am I guaranteed to get on a team?

No. But we will do our very best and if we can't, we will issue you a full refund.

Due to the large number of males that sign up, free agent females and small groups with females in them have a better chance of getting placed on a team. 

Q: Can I sign up a whole team at once?

For all team sports, you can pay a one time fee online. Umpire fees are paid weekly on the field $20 per game

Q: What is the age range?

The majority of people are ages 21 to 50, but anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to play. 

Q: What about an "old-timer" like me? Can I join?

Of course!

As long as you are willing to play, then you are totally welcome to join.

Q: Where are the leagues located?
Carmel Valley (Men's Metal Bat)
-Doyle ( Coed 3- Pitch and Coed BioTech 3-Pitch)
-Nobel (coed 3 pitch)
-Ocean Air (coed bio tech)
-Ocean Beach (women 3 pitch)
-Standley  (Coed 3-Pitch)
-Serra Mesa ( Coed 3 pitch)
-Kearney Mesa (Coed Slo Pitch & Coed 3-Pitch)                                                                                                         - Hourglass (Coed 3 pitch)

Q: What is the difference between 3 pitch softball and slo pitch softball?

3 pitch softball is when the pitcher is from your own team. Batters get 3 pitches. 

Slo Pitch softball is when the pitcher is on the opposing team and the batter has a count.

Batters in slo pitch softball start with a 1-1 count and pitches must be in the 6 to 12 foot arc.

In Slo-Pitch softball a strike zone mat is used. The ball must hit the plate or the strike zone mat in order to be a called strike. 

Q: What are the time commitments?

In most leagues you will play one-hour games once a week. Games are no new inning after 50 minutes. Some of our leagues have a "run-cap." Run cap is 7 runs per inning. Last inning is unlimited runs. 

For example, if you sign up for Wednesday night coed softball @ Nobel Park and Recreation Center, you will play a game every Wednesday night at either 6, 7, 8, or 9 PM. Each week the times for your game vary, but the night of the week that you play will stay the same. Some leagues play double headers

Most leagues are 14 weeks including play-offs. Cash prizes are awarded to league champions. 

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