Adult coed softball leagues in San Diego. !4 Week Seasons for teams and individuals

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So Cal Adult Softball 

Leagues are played at the following locations: 

-Doyle Park and Rec 

-Nobel Park and Rec

-Serra Mesa Park and Rec

-Torrey Hills Park

-Ocean Air Park and Rec  

-Carmel Valley Park and Rec

-Hourglass Park and Rec

-Ocean Beach Recreation Center

-Kearney Mesa Park and Rec

-Standley Park and Rec

We currently offer coed 3-pitch softball, Women's 3-pitch softball, Men's Slo pItch softball (wood and metal bat leagues) and coed slo-pitch softball. 

All leagues are recreational leagues. Anybody can play as long as they are on your roster. 

Questions please give us a call or Text @ 858 752-9757 or (619) 990-0484

Or leave a message @ (858) 453-6208

 Umpires - If interested in becoming a SoCal Adult Softball Umpire please reach out to Mitch or Pete. 

Experience umpiring is preferred but we are able to train the right person!


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