Spring 2025 Leagues:
Doyle Monday Biotech 3-Pitch
Doyle Monday Coed 3-Pitch
Doyle Tuesday Upper and Lower Division - Coed 3-Pitch
Doyle Wednesday Coed 3-Pitch
Doyle Thursday Coed 3-Pitch
Nobel Monday Coed Illumina
Nobel Wednesday Beginner- Coed 3-Pitch
Serra Mesa Monday Coed 3-Pitch
Serra Mesa Tuesday Men's Slo Pitch (wood bat)
Serra Mesa Wednesday Coed 3-Pitch
Serra Mesa Thursday Coed 3-Pitch
Serra Mesa Friday Coed 3-Pitch
Kearney Mesa Wednesday Coed Slo Pitch & 3-pitch
Ocean Air Monday BioTech Coed Kickball
Ocean Air Tuesday Biotech Coed (Novice) - 3-Pitch
Ocean Air Wednesday Upper and Lower Biotech Coed 3-Pitch
Ocean Air Thursday BioTech Coed 3-Pitch
Carmel Valley/ Ocean Air Thursday Men's Slo Pitch (Metal Bat)
Hourglass Wednesday Coed 3-Pitch
Ocean Beach Monday Women's 3-Pitch
Kearney Mesa Coed Kickball on Thursday Nights
*All leagues, teams pay umpire cash on the field: $20 per team starting Fall 2023
***Teams that forfeit are responsible for ump fees for both sides - $40
Want to play? Get in touch!
(619) 990-0484 cell (text ok)
(858) 752-9757 cell (text ok)
(858) 453-6208 Landline
Our Leagues Offer:
- 14, 12 & 8 Week Regular Seasons
Men Slo Pitch (Metal Bat), Mens Slo Pitch (Woodbat), Women 3-Pitch, Coed 3-Pitch, Coed Slo-Pitch, Coed Biotech 3-Pitch, Coed Kickball, Coed Biotech Kickball
Company Softball Leagues
Company Softball Tournaments - Call for Pricing!
Connect with us:
mcnam010@gmail.com - Mitch